By Joanne Walshaw 2713 Words
My previous experience before commencing on the level 3 in counselling was at a level 2 stage. Level 2 was attained at York College in an environment where people had been put on the course who were in receipt of job seekers allowance and did not necessarily want to be on the course but who's hands had been forced in order to remain in receipt of benefits. It was apparent that many of them did not want to be in the learning environment and as such many did not take the course very seriously. Some of the course participants were disruptive and uncooperative in class which I found disruptive to my studies not only within the classroom but also with me having to deal with a certain level of anger and frustration within myself that my own learning opportunity was being disrupted. On reflection, I could have used this as an opportunity for personal growth. If I had approached the tutor to share my concerns and work through my frustrations it would have been a useful learning opportunity from a counselling perspective.
Level 3 was a natural progression for me although I am still unsure what to do with the qualification I believe that I have to maintain the forward momentum and whichever career path I follow I believe that counselling skills will be viewed favourably by an employer and can be used to great benefit in any workplace.
When I began level 3, I was apprehensive that the same attitudes would apply to some of the students on the course that I had encountered on level 2. This was such a concern to me that I raised the issue on the pre course interview with my tutor. My fears in relation to this matter were unfounded as the group is a good mix of both sexes, different age ranges and who want to be on the course as a genuine learning opportunity.
Other emotions about starting the course were nerves, fear of not being up to the work and fear of the unknown. I felt that my