By andrew chin
Aug 17, 2007
The self improvement process involves steps that will not likely be acheived without the accomplishment of their preceding steps. As humans, we find it very difficult to adjust to changes all at once, because we have already been programmed to do and see things a particular way. It does not mean that it is impossible. It simply entails that completing the final stage of the process requires discipline, patience and persistence.
Rome was not built in a day, as the popular proverb goes. Thus, if we want to reap the benefits and enjoy what our self-improvement changes can bring, we must learn to be patient. The process of self improvement does not and will not happen overnight.
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If we only act on it and then change our minds, or fail to stick with it, it would be like we never started to achieve anything, at all. Keeping both our eyes on the goal at all times is key. Self improvement does not stop when something is accomplished, because it is a continuous process.
Who ever said getting ahead in life was easy? Your journey will surely be difficulty, not just based on external factors, but also from yourself. If you truly want to better your life, you must realize that your worst enemy will be yourself, which is, ironically, the most difficult part to conquer. However, if you set your heart and soul into your goal and convince yourself that though the path is rocky there is a great reward waiting for you at the finish line, you will be able to survive and excel.
Life is a challenge. Conquering your inner fears and apprehensions will make your journey much more challenging. However, it will not be so if you know that you can do it. The process of self improvement is challenging, but very rewarding once you surpass the obstacles. You just have to keep a positive and open mind all the