My group is really open about hearing different ideas from everybody, which is great considering no idea is a bad idea. I do complete the passports and really consider each section and what I want to say. Within class I have been fortunate enough with my softball schedule to have only missed one class. My group caught me up on everything that I missed and even called me during class in order to ask me questions that needed answers. My softball schedule had me concerned because it seemed like I would have missed a lot of class but so far it seems that I won’t be missing very much of class at all. I am still trying to make sure I am prepared for class and have been texting and emailing my group and seeing what I can do. In the future I just need to keep my communication with my group and I just need to communicate with Dr. Taylor like I have been. Emailing him and keeping him up to date with everything that is happening with my schedule and any questions that I
My group is really open about hearing different ideas from everybody, which is great considering no idea is a bad idea. I do complete the passports and really consider each section and what I want to say. Within class I have been fortunate enough with my softball schedule to have only missed one class. My group caught me up on everything that I missed and even called me during class in order to ask me questions that needed answers. My softball schedule had me concerned because it seemed like I would have missed a lot of class but so far it seems that I won’t be missing very much of class at all. I am still trying to make sure I am prepared for class and have been texting and emailing my group and seeing what I can do. In the future I just need to keep my communication with my group and I just need to communicate with Dr. Taylor like I have been. Emailing him and keeping him up to date with everything that is happening with my schedule and any questions that I