i. "parents," ii. " careers," iii. " supervisors," iv. "SECURITY GUARD,"
v. "dell computers," vi. "students," vii. "USG alumni," viii. "JOB CORPS alumni," ix. "Oklahoma residents."
x. "Christians,"
4. Share your rationale for the ranking. First of all I chose this ranking because I am the father first, there is nothing that will not do for my son my career is second the only thing will come between this is my family. I’m a supervisor for my career I will not put it in jeopardy of losing the title that I work so hard for. I’m a Supervisor security guard for dell computers for two years, and been a regular guard for seven years. I’m a student of ITT tech so I can further my career and my future. I went to U.S. grant high school and I went to Job corps academy in Guthrie Oklahoma. I am a resident of Oklahoma City and a member of that my Christian Last.
5. Write a self-introduction of about 100 words without using any of your memberships.
My name is David Jones, and I was born in Wichita Kansas on September 26th, 1983. I lived in Norman, Oklahoma for about 12 years until my family moved to Oklahoma City the middle of 7th grade for financial reasons. I went to U.S. Grant High School that I graduated from with the same diminutive groups of people that I have grown up with my. I offered my best friends a place to live over the course of his senior year in High school so he can graduated with me and our close friends and family. It was a hard decision that he made but he don’t regret it at all.
2. Does the self-introduction describe you correctly? Why or why not?
1. Yes it does.
1. I’m a very straight forward person who likes to take things in his stride in a very level headed manner. Life is quite exciting to me with the opportunities and experiences it’s offer.