What is the most important problem that senior citizens face today-
Deteriorating health, malnutrition, lack of shelter, fear, depression, senility, isolation, boredom, non-productivity, and financial incapacity are the most common problems that senior citizens all over the world face today. These problems can be grouped into two categories that relate to the physical andmental health and the financial capacity of the senior citizen.
1. Physical and mental health – Stability of physical and mental health is a key concern that senior citizens have to contend with as they go through their twilight years. The human body is a system that wears out with long and repetitive use; and quite easily, with neglect and abuse. Aging is a life-cycle stage where the human capacity to think, act, relate, and learn starts to falter and deteriorate. Aging breeds illnesses such as loss of memory, immobility, organ failure, and poor vision. These are critical dysfunctions that could sideline a senior citizen to a lonely and miserable life.
While a clean and discreet lifestyle in his or her prime could reduce the susceptibility of a senior citizen to dreaded post-retirement illnesses, the onset of any dysfunction is one unpredictable happening even if the person might have had robust financial health. The
frailty of the human body grows with the aging process regardless of who the person is, a sure-to-come event magnifying the primacy of physical and mental health stability as a fundamental problem of senior citizens.
2. Financial capacity - Possessing sustainable financial capacity before, during, and after the inception of a