“Moto-cross” is a French word, combing “motorcycle” with “cross country”. The sport of motocross was popularized in Europe during the 50's & 60's, mainly in Western Europe. Most races were held in open fields and pastures, and the best riders were from Europe. Even today, motocross is run outdoors, on natural terrain tracks. The races are longer, typically close to 40 minutes, and the tracks have higher top speeds due to the improvements in both bike and rider capabilities. Currently, the biggest motocross event series in the world is the AMA/FIM Supercross Series, which is primarily a 15 round series in the USA. It is the crown jewel of off-road motorcycling in the world. The sport is also expanding at a rapid pace worldwide. There are now supercross series in many countries, and exciting new series developing in Australia, India, and China.
When it comes to off-road motorcycle racing, there are a number of different variations of the sport. Two of the most well known variations include supercross motorcycle racing and motocross motorcycle racing. For those unfamiliar with the world of off-road racing, it can sometimes be