honestly developed it during high school and I’m not exactly sure if it will go away, let alone when. During senior year one of the most important things you’ll do is apply for colleges, scholarships, and grants. This is such an important thing that you don’t want to procrastinate on but it will probably happen anyway. Even though you may stay up extremely late to finish these up, they have the capability of telling you so much about your future. During this year I have not only procrastinated more, but I have learned how to organize things better, not only notes but my life. Senior year will continue to be a long and bumpy ride, but I believe I will find a way to get through it. One of the biggest accomplishments I have made during my first semester of senior year is finding myself.
I finally figured out that it does not exactly matter what I decide to do after high school as long as I am actually happy about it. I think this took me so long to figure out because, I will be the first person in my family to go to college so I felt pressured into finding the perfect major that would make everyone proud. The whole process of picking a major has definitely made me stressed out to the point of questioning all of my life choices, but as the end of senior year is coming closer, I have finally come to the realization that whatever is meant to happen will happen. I am glad my attitude on life after high school has become more open because now I am less worried about impressing my family and more focused on being happy with whatever decision I choose to make. Life is full of decisions and once you finally realize that you should choose the things you want, I believe you will be able to live a happier life, so I am glad I learned this at a young age. I just hope my peers will realize this in time so they can pick the best major that fits them as an individual instead of a major that will make their parents proud. I think we stress ourselves out into believing there is a perfect major that will make everybody proud of us, but in reality our parents should be proud of us no matter what we decide to …show more content…
do. As senior year comes to an end its hard to believe that I was always told that “high school would fly by” and never believed them.
I thought these four years would take forever but come to find out they were right. It feels like just yesterday I walked through Switzerland County High School’s doors wondering how in the world I would make it to every class within the four minute passing periods, and now I am usually one of the first students to make it to their classroom. High school is full of several lessons that we are meant to learn on our own and I am blessed to say I have. I think one of the most memorable moments of senior year is when all the seniors sit down and you hear about everybody’s plans after you high school. In that moment you realize that you finally made it, you and your peers are finally about to face the “real world.” I know the class of 2016 will do extrodanory things outside of this school building and I cannot wait to hear about them. I will be the first to admit, I am terrifed of what the “real world” has to offer me but I am more than excited to find out as well. I do not think I am fully prepared, but I cannot wait to see what this world has to offer