With such separation in the social classes, it would, in turn, affect every aspect of your life. How you dress, what you ate, your …show more content…
Is there really a definition or is it all just based on people’s perception? There are many factors that determine how the world sees us. One factor, probably the most obvious, is money. Then perhaps, education, followed by our outward appearance. Status has much to do with money; and jobs reflect how much money we make, in turn, our social status. As previously mentioned, certain jobs were available to certain social classes. Partly due to education, partly to your social status, and partly due to your connections, which are all things still seen today, just not as stark in contrast. You are more likely to get a certain job if you graduated from a prestigious college, have many connections and are from a wealthy or well-known family. Though, something that greatly differs in our modern society is the presence of scholarships and government help. Today there are countless more opportunities to better one’s self with education. Due to the fact that people are more or less looked at as equals rather than stuck in specific …show more content…
In the past, there was a lack of opportunity for bettering one’s self. In order to keep control people were kept stagnant in the class, they were born into. In contrast, modern society gives us ample opportunities to reach for the stars and use education and business opportunities to better ourselves or the world around us. We should take advantage of the opportunities set before us and utilize them to our benefit or the benefit of