I remember September 11, 2001 like it happened two days ago. This was the day terrorists decided to attack our nation. I remember the panic and the feeling of the world crumbling around you. Each year I turn on the tv to watch the memorial ceremony for the nearly 3,000 lives that were tragically lost. I see the endless tears of parents, friends, and loved ones grieving their heroes 14 years later. Each year the facts never change, what happened on that Tuesday will never change or make anyone feel any better. For one day a year the entire nation is reminded of a time when something precious was stolen from us, and for families who had something irreplaceable stolen from them. I was seven years old on that day, and it has forever changed me. I’ll never forget watching those two giant Legos burn and feeling so unbelievably sad without yet understanding
I remember September 11, 2001 like it happened two days ago. This was the day terrorists decided to attack our nation. I remember the panic and the feeling of the world crumbling around you. Each year I turn on the tv to watch the memorial ceremony for the nearly 3,000 lives that were tragically lost. I see the endless tears of parents, friends, and loved ones grieving their heroes 14 years later. Each year the facts never change, what happened on that Tuesday will never change or make anyone feel any better. For one day a year the entire nation is reminded of a time when something precious was stolen from us, and for families who had something irreplaceable stolen from them. I was seven years old on that day, and it has forever changed me. I’ll never forget watching those two giant Legos burn and feeling so unbelievably sad without yet understanding