Alejandro de la Fuente is writing an argument on slavery with different point of view, narrating a debate based on the Law in Latin America. The different prespectives are from Tannenbaum who is well known as a big influence during slavery, Christopher Schmidt-Nowara and Maria Elena Diaz. The author started with a confession about what he thinks of the work that this people have done and explaining their position and point of view. Slave opportunites such as slave codes, immigration and education, were part of this debate. To fiish the main claim of his article, the author gave an example of how slaves who claim their priorities gain a little of victory making an impact in the administration of justice, in this case, the local justice. Even…
Esta película es sobre el Che Guevara, y cómo era antes de convertirse en un revolucionario cubano. Deja a su familia y amigos atrás para tomar un viaje en moto en toda Latinoamérica con su amigo Alberto. Se reúnen muchas personas a lo largo de la manera en que hacer una impresión en el Che y la forma en que ve el mundo. Usted ve un montón de hermosos paisajes que simplemente quita el aliento. Es una muy buena película para que todos disfruten. Viendo esta película me llevó a averiguar más sobre el Che Guevara, y por qué fue llamado héroe del pueblo.…
Obedience is a recurrent theme in El Laberinto del Fauno, discuss at least two examples and what they represent.…
It can be extremely difficult to focus on things that one may want to do in order for them to change their life. Life is full of surprises that sometimes we find ourselves becoming the person we never imagined to be. The memoir A Place to Stand by Jimmy Santiago Baca, a story about a man who was abandoned by his parents at a very young age, having a mother who desired to blend into “white world” and an alcoholic father, a man who was convicted at the age of twenty-one. Baca’s story tells about how he changes his life from being illiterate to becoming a poet inside the prison, exploring his inspirational transformation through poetry. This is a Journey of how Baca took charged of his life and molded himself as the person he is now.…
In an article published on Vice, “The Data That Turned the World Upside Down” by Hannes Grasseger and Mikael Krogerus; a psychologist named Michal Kosinski uncovered something that many of us do all too often and are unaware of its implications. Kosinski discovered that the easiest to way to study someone or understand them was through a person’s Facebook likes. This new-found knowledge by Kosinski allowed him to examine millions of people on facebook. According to Kosinski, based on someone’s Facebook activity such as likes and shares he was able to determine one’s race, age, interest and political views. Kosinski’s algorithm later fell in the hand of Strategic Communication Laboratories, who under many different affiliations paved the…
Even thought David Zinczenko and Radley Balko take two different approaches on whom should be blamed for obesity, they are actually in agreement that people should become more responsible with what they eat. This common ground becomes clear through Radley Balko argues its personal responsibility to choose what they out in their mouths, while David Zinczenko argues there should be more alternatives for the youth to eat then fast food. Both authors have great point about responsibility and alternative. Obesity should come to an end before it continues putting end to people’s life.…
Mike Males, in “Stop Blaming Kids and TV,” inscribes government officials have blamed today’s media on the acts of kids and young adults, how the impact of violence, drug, and alcohol abuse can ruin children’s lives. Parents need to notice that their own behavior has a major influence on their children’s lives and futures. He makes strong statements that the media does not influence adolescent violence, drug, and alcohol abuse. He supports his opinion with many examples including the comparison of television violence and real actual violence. Males notes, “Kids will witness at least 200,000 acts of television violence by the time her or she are completing high school.”…
• Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis was born on the 1st of July 1818. He was one of the most important medical figures of his time. His discovery concerning the prevention of puerperal fever shown in him many qualities such as brilliant fact-finding, logical analysis such as using statistics to come to answer and keen thoughtful reasoning. The highly successful hand washing made him a knowledge growing, leading star in antisepsis during his era (known as the prebacteriological era), in spite of much opposition and resistance.…
Verb I’m going to wrinkle this word, I’m going to twist it, yes, it is much too flat it is as if a great dog or great river had passed its tongue or water over it during many years. I want that in the word the roughness is seen the iron salt…
Emiliano Zapata, born on August 8, 1879, in the village of Anenecuilco, Morelos (Mexico), Emiliano Zapata was of mestizo heritage and the son of a peasant medier, (a sharecropper or owner of a small plot of land). From the age of eighteen, after the death of his father, he had to support his mother and three sisters and managed to do so very successfully. The little farm prospered enough to allow Zapata to augment the already respectable status he had in his native village. In September of 1909, the residents of Anenecuilco elected Emiliano Zapata president of the village's "defense committee," an age-old group charged with defending the community's interests. In this position, it was Zapata's duty to represent his village's rights before the president-dictator of Mexico, Porfirio Díaz, and the governor of Morelos, Pablo Escandón. During the 1880s, Mexico had experienced a boom in sugar cane production, a development that led to the acquisition of more and more land by the hacienderos or plantation owners. Their plantations grew while whole villages disappeared and more and more medieros and other peasants lost their livelihoods or were forced to work on the haciendas. It was under these conditions that a plantation called El Hospital neighboring Zapata's village began encroaching more and more upon the small farmers' lands. This was the first conflict in which Emiliano Zapata established his reputation as a fighter and leader. He led various peaceful occupations and re-divisions of land, increasing his status and his fame to give him regional recognition.…
Shaw, L and Dennison, S (2005) ‘Popular Culture in Latin America: Media, arts and lifestyle’. California: ABC-CLIO, Inc.…
Rodriguez paints for the readers a dreary present, one in which there is a great divide and disconnect that exists between each member of his family, colored by a sense of guilt, shown through selection of detail, narrative structure, and punctuation. The divide between the parents and their children becomes most apparent when the children rush to leave in their “expensive foreign cars”, the sister in her…
Hello kids, my name is Vasco Nunez De Balboa. Most of you should know a little about me because you studied about me but any way I am here to give you more information about me and my explorations. So everyone fasten your seatbelts!! We are going back to the world in the 1400’s.…
Critical law writers and social n science draw attention to the manners the dominant society racialize the minority groups. This racialization is seen in response to the needs such as the labor market. The concept of dominance is brought out in Vaints of Gregorio Cortez, borders of conflict. The proletarian idea of the hero as an outdated aspect that robs the rich and gives poor no chance to gain acceptance. The outlaw is either seen frankly as an outlaw, without sentimentalizing, or he is made an actor in border conflict.…
La cultura griega se refleja de gran forma en la construcción del Anfiteatro Fabio. El primer ejemplo de esta…