The ability to link unique positive emotions with service brands is an essential strategy for all service firms. "Consumers who have an emotional link with a brand are less likely to be price sensitive so long as they continue to derive emotional satisfaction from the brand" (Mahajan & Wind, 2002). To outperform rivals, organizations must use emotion to differentiate their services from others. The following literature analysis will examine the role of emotions within the service sector. It will be concluded that through the use of emotional management, emotional intelligence and customized recovery strategies, Virgin Blue will increase their likelihood in delivering superior service, reduce their chances of service failure and increase their effectiveness in service recovery techniques.
Service Delivery
"Service delivery is the interaction between consumers, and the organization within the service setting (McColl-Kennedy, 2003). The emotions displayed by boundary spanners are a critical element in service delivery. The term boundary spanner is commonly used to define employees that represent organizations at the front line, their displayed emotions have the ability to increase sales or drive away customers. "Employees who display good cheer to customers can enhance sales and customer loyalty" (Parasuraman, Zeithamal, Berry, 1985).
Emotion Management
Organization's recognize the financial benefits of superior service and have responded by standardizing the service script through various informal and formal measures. Service standardization is often referred to as the McDonaldization effect (Raz & Rafaeli: 5) "McDonald's pioneered the routinization of interactive service work and remains an exemplar of extreme standardization."
According to Rafaeli & Sutton (1987) organizations must first recruit and select employees based on an ability to convey the appropriate emotions needed for the role. At Delta Airways flight attendants are selected