Among the possible listed factors determining one’s sexual orientation is genetic factors. Genes are the basic unit of inheritance as well the person’s chemical makeup. This means people are born either as heterosexuals or homosexuals and that is their biological being. This cause has being given more weight by all stakeholders over the world. This is to say that sexual orientation is no fault of those it affects since they have no control over their chemical makeup. This cause is the most researched into and yet most incomplete due to the varying results of the various researchers. On top of the chain of studies is the ‘twin studies’ involving twins who are known to share strands of chromosomes but having different sexual orientation. Closely related is that most homosexuals are later borne’s and are therefore exposed to lower levels of testosterone (male hormones). There is also substantial evidence that levels sex hormones during parental development increases the likelihood of homosexuality.
Does society plays any roles in sexual orientation? Do people learn to be homosexuals? It is believed that a person’s