
Sexualisation of Men

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Sexualisation of Men
Perilloux, Easton and Buss (2012) investigated sex differences in the perception of sexual interest and claim to have found support for a short term mating strategy in men with evolutionary origins. While their findings have sufficient evidence, this essay will explore alternative influences that have not been adequately investigated.

An investigation into the study conducted by Perilloux, Easton and Buss (2012) concludes that the stated claims and conclusions of the perception of sexual interest are valid and justified. While these claims and conclusions have sufficient evidence alternative influences have not been sufficiently researched. According to Perilloux, Easton and Buss, men with short term mating strategies are more likely to over perceive women’s sexual interest, as a result of their strategy’s evolutionary origins. The error-management theory (EMT) suggests that this over perception is caused by a cognitive and behavioral bias that developed to minimise the effects in response to missed mating opportunities and false alarms throughout evolutionary history (Haselton & Buss, 2000). However, male over perception of women’s sexual interest, especially in short term mating strategies, can be better explored by further research in experimental conditions, participant attitude, involvement and variation, biological and evolutionary factors as well as societal influences.
A major concept that has not been adequately addressed in the current study is external validity. External validity is the extent to which results obtained by a sample group, usually in a laboratory environment, can be generalised to the entire population (Berkowitz & Donnerstein, 1982). In relation to men with short term mating strategies over perceiving women’s sexual interest Perilloux, colleagues (2012) conclusions are not valid or applicable in real social situations. This is because a laboratory environment would not allow Perilloux and

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