IN * Faculty of Business Administration
A121BSS Introduction to Business Organizations
STUDENT NAME : Nang Hseng Sandar
SUPERVISOR : Ms. Lakshmi
Content Page
1. Organization Structure & Management Leadership 3-5
2. Supply Chain & Distribution Channel Structure 5-6
3. Marketing & Promotion 6-7
4. Financial Performance for last 3 years 7-8
5. Conclusion 9
6. Reference 10
1. Organization Structure & Management Leadership
* Corporation
Sheng Siong firstly corporate as a private company named "Sheng Siong Group Pte. Ltd" but on July 4, 2011 it was changed into a public company "Sheng Siong Group Ltd" offering public shares and consisting four branches of collaborators Sheng Siong Company, SS Supermarket, CMM Marketing and SS Malaysia (Sheng Siong Group Ltd 2010).
As Sheng Siong is offering shares to the public and trying to secure the shares, Sheng Siong has already assigned to SGX-ST (Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited) which gives permissions to share holders and stake holders to be able to contribute in the equity of Sheng Siong. All the applications will be granted when Sheng Siong has registered in the list of main board of the SGX-ST. However, the applications are accepted by Sheng Siong, if these shares are not recognized by the SGX-ST, all the money will be returned without any profits and advantages (Sheng Siong Group Ltd 2010).
According to Sheng Siong's organization structure, Sheng Siong is a public corporation and publically traded all around Singapore. As a public corporation, Sheng Siong has a lot of partners in many house brands and products such as tissue paper, rice, sugar, baby diapers and laundry detergent which prices are completely lower than any other competitive supermarkets. In order to merchandise various products continuously without running out of stock,