When we start writing essay, we have to think about 2 things.
1: You have some valuable ideas to tell your reader
2: More than anything, you want to communicate those ideas to your reader
One of the common mistakes inexperienced writers make is filing to move past early stages in the writing process in which they are writing for-or writing to- themselves only. Surely, I have experienced this mistake and I did not realize if I make a mistake. An essay is to tell ideas the reader and to persuade the reader in order to understand the own ideas. So, a writer needs finding essay’s purpose and focus deeply. After finding purpose and focus, the writer will start free writing. The writer should try jotting down everything that pop into his head about his topic by using brainstorm for at least ten minutes. Next, the writer has to make sentences and paragraph and essay. There are a lot of techniques for free writing, the boomerang, clustering, and cubing. If the writer can look various a viewpoint about topic, his essay will be wonderful and intelligent essay. After you finding focus and important point, you should discover your audience. The readers do not like be bored. Readers hate confusing and disorder. Readers want to think and learn something. Review your audience’s knowledge of and attitude toward your topic before you begin your first draft. We have to think not only writing an essay clearly and amusing but also ours ideas or topic. Do not think one side. We need thinking about own desire and readers desire.
After I read this chapter, I changed my mind. I thought that the essay is just to tell my ideas, but it is wrong. The essay is kinds of entertainment for reader.
Sample Student Essay
I like this essay because the writer told the reader a lot of details. This essay is narrative. Narrative is story. My first impression of this essay is “What the purpose? What the reader wants to tell us?” but I read this many times. Therefore, I could