On the other hand, Critics believe that students should be spending more days in school rather than fewer. In fact, in the United States of America many states require school to be in session for a minimum of 180 days, which is almost three weeks less than other developed countries in Europe and Asia. For instance, China and Korea have more than 220 school days (Kingsbury). However, a four day school week will not reduce the time spent in school. It will redistribute the time going to school into four days instead of five days. Therefore the school days will be longer in a four day school week to encompass the correct amount of hours required.…
Some people claim that it will raise scores because of the idea students will be more attentive in school, thus increasing their intellect. Despite these claims, the test scores of students do not significantly increase or decrease. Similar to Beesley and Anderson 's suggestion, it seems that schools save money while maintaining comparable test scores. (The Four-Day School Week: Information and Recommendations, pg. 26). Overall, it seems as though the benefits of a four-day school week are strong enough for it to pull through despite the fact it doesn 't dramatically increase test…
The teachers will have a more relaxed and humbled peace of minds giving students less of a chance and a reason to act out. In document C, it states that students absent in the four day week was way lower than the students absent in a five day week. More students attended school because there is no reason to skip school if there is only four days. In context, school will be a happier place and students would be well- behaved.…
Problems occur when policy makers tend to make changes when they don’t need to be made. The public school system has many ways that it can improve but changing the time frame of the original school week from five to four days will not solve all the issues, instead, it will create newer unforeseen problems. It has been a controversial issue whether or not the school week should shorten by a day. Some are of the opinion that a four-day school week saves money for the individual schools, which would be beneficial to the school system as a whole. According to Schmidt, “The district expects to save between $85,000 and $100,000 in 2008-09 because of the modified schedule. The contract with its transportation provider assures the district of $65,000 in savings. That’s nearly $3,000 per day. Other savings will result by reducing electrical usage and having fewer days that furnaces are required to heat the buildings to a comfortable level. (Schmidt 4).” In the article, the claim is that applying these cuts will result in saving the school money, however that is not entirely true. The four-day week would actually financially hurt the school rather than save costs.…
Student are sleep deprived and some get no time because they slept in on accident. Some schools start at any where from 7:00 to 7:30, while other schools start anywhere around 8:00 to 9:00. For example, a school in Indiana starts at 7:30 and ends at 3:45. In in complete honesty, schooldays should start later.…
If school was all year round students will learn more, it will help students stay focused. It will also help teachers and stuff with more jobs security. That will give the parents more time together to plan trips and vacations. It will also leave a lot of stress off their parents because they will know that they are at school and not in the streets doing whatever. I feel there will be less breaking in housing, killing and robberies.…
On the other hand kids could get done with school faster. But kids need a break to get motivated for the next year in school so they would do better and get better grades. There should not be year round school!…
The board of education are thinking about changing five day school weeks to four day school weeks. Which is a brilliant idea, because having four day school weeks will improve students attendance, for instance students who have doctor appointments they can go on Friday the day the students got off of school for the weekend, instead of having to leave in the middle of class. Another reason school should have four day school weeks is that it will save more money because when schools have a whole week, they have to use money to fill up the buses, which will be a bunch of money going down the drain, but with the four day school weeks they wouldn't have that problem. But having this four day week it will also improve students learning, because students…
Year-round schooling is a new method of education. It has been developed to help students achieve higher grades, and have a better learning experience. The basis around this is to eliminate the alleged “summer learning loss.” The hope is that students will retain more information without having such a long break. The number of school days would stay the same, yet there would be more frequent, shorter breaks throughout the year. Although the predicted results of YRE (year round education) are highly probable and justifiable, the regular schooling system is the better option. The year-round system is likely to create more problems than benefits for the students, parents and educators. Consequences of the new system include lack freedom for families to use the summer holiday to their personal preferences, excessive expenses for the government, school boards and parents, and a greater chance for students to fall behind. All these consequences would just create more stress on everyone involved. Surveys have stated that the majority of the population like the school year the way it is traditionally.(insert site about survey) Why should we change a system that has been in place and running smoothly for a long time, for a new system with the potential to cause greater problems in the future and that may or may not help students?…
Small school districts in rural areas such as New Mexico, South Dakota and Colorado follow the four-day school week. This was due to the 1970 energy crisis. After this crisis ended, many of these schools never went back to a full five days of school. Many individuals in these small communities preferred the four-day school week rather than the traditional five-day school week.…
The reason why is because they save lots of money doing it and the students like it. Them going to the four day school extended their everyday school day so that they don’t have to be in school during the summer when the others are out having fun. It helps The students education on the four day school week because of the test results that were shown for all the schools. The parents don’t want the 4 day school week because on Friday they have to find a babysitter. The parents getting a babysitter cost a lot of money but for multiple children that cost a lot of money that is a lot of money for every Friday getting a babysitter. With a four day school week on Friday show school have games they can’t no longer have them. So that is a disadvantage on the sported but if we went to the four day school week we might be able to find a way that we might be able to do that on but i'm sure there is a law saying that you can’t do that. So overall a four day school week is a good idea but there are a lot of…
In conclusion, I would like to state that a four day school week wouldn’t make the students dumber, but it would make them smarter. If students have a better grade pint average, they would more than likely get a better scholarship to a good college. When they go to a good college, they will get a good job with a good pay. As soon as they get a good pay, they will have enough money for retirement. If they still have a good amount of money left, he/she won’t have to leave funeral costs to his/her loved ones. As you can see, having a four day school week would grant you and your child a better…
There are a lot of reasons for switching to 4 day work week. All of these reasons promote the better well-being of the government and economy, the businesses involved, and the individuals themselves. There would be less traffic on the roads. You could assume that with a third day off that more people would opt to stay home that day, or that if people went out it would not be in rush hour traffic at least. With less traffic, the pollutants that cars emit into the air would be lessened, which is also good for keeping tree hugging hippies off our backs. The fewer cars driving throughout the week would also help keep down the amount of road work that would need to be done. Paying for the labor, materials, and equipment necessary to maintain roadways is very expensive, and quite a lot of money could be saved if there were fewer cars out terrorizing road surfaces. With less traffic and fewer people driving throughout the week it is predicted that the number of auto accidents would decrease. This would inevitably lower insurance rates, both auto and medical, which would be more money in your pocket. Probably…
Firstly, longer school days, would mean that parents, who have long work hours, will be able to maintain their personal and professional life well, due to the fact that they will not need to leave work early due to caring responsibilities. They will work without worry, because the children will be in a safe environment, not watching TV and being lazy, but learning.…
The idea of changing the 5 day school week to a 4 day school week at first looks very attractive to both students and teachers. You would think that with a 3 day weekend in which both students and teachers could rest out properly and arrive to school prepared and ready for the next week would be better than a 2 day weekend, would it? Children need to develop their social skills and physical skills which can all be done with after school activities but is it feasible with the 4 day school week? The answer is no, as attractive as the 4 day school week seems, it won’t bring any positive aspects. With a longer weekend there will be longer school days, shorter breaks and more classes per week. Since there will be less time and just as many subjects some fun activities and subjects will get cut such as – school trips, art, music, physical education and drama which are also vital skills that need to be learnt during school hours. Getting set piles of homework over the 3 day weekend which was meant to be relaxing and soothing, Due to less school days and hours there will be shorter holidays in which will probably also be full of homework. Students will get too little sleep and constantly be tired and may not have time to properly eat or get an eating disorder. But that also counts for the teachers; they will have to plan so many lessons and will be spending all their days marking all of the homework which had to be caught up on due to the 4 day school week.…