In addition, most of the intelligent high school student are well-behaved. The rest of the students are ignorant and disruptive. The reason why very little students deserve to be allowed with cell phones is because the rest are ignorant. For example, if students with a GPA of 80 or above are in a classroom, those students are allowed to ONLY play music on their headphones. In addition, students with GPA mastery are also allowed to use their cell phones as a calculator or a dictionary in class. In elementary schools, students who passed ¾ of their classes are allowed to use their cell phones. In class after finishing an assignment early, students who passed most of their classes are allowed to use their cell phones for games or music ONLY. In lunch or recess, students who passed most of their classes can use their cell phones for anything. This goes for high school students as
In addition, most of the intelligent high school student are well-behaved. The rest of the students are ignorant and disruptive. The reason why very little students deserve to be allowed with cell phones is because the rest are ignorant. For example, if students with a GPA of 80 or above are in a classroom, those students are allowed to ONLY play music on their headphones. In addition, students with GPA mastery are also allowed to use their cell phones as a calculator or a dictionary in class. In elementary schools, students who passed ¾ of their classes are allowed to use their cell phones. In class after finishing an assignment early, students who passed most of their classes are allowed to use their cell phones for games or music ONLY. In lunch or recess, students who passed most of their classes can use their cell phones for anything. This goes for high school students as