Kids should be able to stay United States because most kids could have an abusive or violent homes. “Violence in Central
Kids should be able to stay United States because most kids could have an abusive or violent homes. “Violence in Central
children who need to be removed for their own protection be placed in foster and adoptive homes…
Children really need physical care and protection from older, abusive children or adults. Children also need food, clothing, and shelter to feel safe.…
It would be hard for any person to imagine establishing a life somewhere, only to have everything pulled out from underneath them. Imagining this situation is hard, but the reality is, in the United States, this is happening to families of immigrants without official paper work. In the United States, it is possible for undocumented immigrants to go unnoticed, but it is not unexpected for people and their families to be deported. Moreover, it is not unexpected because these families are breaking the laws of the United States. Although they are breaking the law by being undocumented in the US, the family has done nothing else wrong and has built a great life. Since these people are positive members of society, it raises the question if the US Government is morally right for deporting families without official documentation. Every person has his/her own views if the government was…
Undocumented children also lead to an increase of overcrowded classrooms in certain states. Illegal immigrants account for nearly 3 billion in more tax-payer money for just California to keep these children in school because of the No child left behind act of the Bush Administration. “300,000 to 400,000 illegal alien [schoolchildren … account for the estimated $3 billion annual service costs provided to the estimated 1.7 million illegal aliens in the State” (Joch). More states also had to pay more for undocumented immigrant children. “During the 2003-2004 school year, Minnesota estimated that it spent between $79 and $118 million of its $8 billion state budget to educate an estimated 9,400 to 14,000 unauthorized immigrant schoolchildren. New Mexico spent $67 million of its $3 billion state budget on an estimated 9,200 unauthorized schoolchildren. Colorado claimed that it spent approximately $220 million on social services for unauthorized immigrants but only collected between $159 and $194 million in revenue from that segment of its population.” (Joch) Illegal immigrants have accounted for many millions of dollars in other states also, and this is a sign nationally. There needs to be a immigration law reform that makes sure that undocumented children may be allowed to go to school in the United States only if they were born here. If children come along with their parents are are already in school age, I believe and the stats prove my point that undocumented children take tax-payers money away from where they are supposed to…
For years Immigrants have came to America undocumented and have kids on American soil so that the child will remain an American citizen and can not be deported. This is however a common misconception among American citizens as the child only meets half of the quota for the Fourteenth Amendment as the children are not under American jurisdiction and are not Americans. Now I do not believe the family should be deported but should instead be prep to learn how to get a visa however those who have broken American law can't get one so by law they must be deported.…
Every year a large amount of children and women take on the challenge of traveling to the United States, some legally, some illegally. Considering the risks women and children take everyday living in Central America, coming the the United States is a very big opportunity and uncertainty they are willing to take. It does not surprise me that an immense amount of people make the trip to America because of the positive possibilities mothers are given when arriving, especially when they come to make money to support loved ones they left behind. Although this decision is not surprising and is well understood, i do not agree with this choice that is made.…
I believe that illegal immigrants should not be allowed to stay in our country. By making this statement, I am not saying that I am against immigration in any way. I am happy to welcome immigrants into our country, as long as they just live under our laws like the rest of us. If they come here legally, we would be able to do background checks on them before letting them into our country so there is less of a chance of crime being committed by immigrants. I think that if immigrants want to live in our country, they should find a job and use that money to find a place to live. However, immigrants should not just use our government’s money for their possessions because when they continuously abuse the welfare system, American taxes increase at tremendous rates each year to pay for them.…
Immigrants who are in the United States deserve to stay here. The government should not be hasty about kicking them out and help them stay in America if the reach a certain requirement. The process would include for immigrants to have a background check, paying taxes, paying a penalty, learning english, and they would have to wait just like other people who want to come into america have to wait. Their shouldn’t be a fight about who is and who isn't allowed to come into the U.S. anymore, anyone should be able to America and feel safe. Deportation needs to end, their shouldn’t be a right or wrong on what race you are if it’s hispanic or muslim, there shouldn’t be argument in this. Immigration is not a bad thing for America either, the economy rises and it adds jobs, over 9 million jobs were made just by immigration. Immigrants already pay taxes and most immigrants are law abiding, America should let those who have lived here remain here, as Bernie Sanders said “It is time to end the discussion of mass deportation. We cannot and we should not even be talking about sweeping up millions of men, women, and children, many of whom have been here for years, and throwing them away.” (Sanders). In today’s society more people would rather have people who have immigrated into America turn into citizens than get deported, it would be…
Children are vulnerable to health threats because they are smaller and their bodies have a harder time fighting off disease. Immigrant children are more susceptible to disease or illness because many immigrant children received low health care and nutriment. Immigrants often were impoverish so the parents of immigrant children could not afford quality health care. Food was also a struggle for many new immigrants therefore immigrant children were malnourished. The lack of food and health care made immigrant children more likely to catch a disease in their often substandard living environment. New York City schools tried to address these dangers by screening for disease at school implementing health standards for the faculty and students, and…
Abusive parents who are allowed to see their children will continue to abuse them. Parents target defenseless children. Children do not have a voice against their abusive parents. We must stop the cycle of child abuse. “There is considerable evidence to support the notion that violence breeds violence.” (Grapes 78) “A large majority of abusing parents were abused as children.” (Grapes 79). Children who speak out against abuse in their home should always be taken seriously and abuse investigations must be thorough. We can stop child abuse if we put abusive parents in jail, removing them from abuse opportunities…
Many people who get deported have spent most of their life in The United States. They have get married here, had their babies and even grandbabies. Why separate them? They have created a new life since they touched American floor. They should have the right to raise their children in a safe country, help them with homework, take them to games, and even see their grandbabies grow. Nobody should have the right to separate families. For instance, Diane Guerrero, a television actress, is a proof f how deportation affects people’s lives. Her parents were deported while she was at school and was raised by people who were not their family, yet gave her the support she needed. This is an example of how deportation affects childhood by separating parents from their children. Deportation should not be the reason why families are not…
The rights of children are being undermined by American civic laws. Children see a comfortable amount of protection from the government but several issues exist as a result of America still not ratifying The Convention on the Rights of the Child, meaning children are not being protected from abuse, malnutrition, and are not receiving basic health needs. one in four children in America go hungry everyday because of lack of food. This percentage of children is primarily of different ethnicity. A child must never go hungry no matter what ethnicity they are, America must protect their younger citizens (0-18 years of age) from going hungry. Abuse is something several children fear everyday with three million cases being reported, 10% being sexual…
Donald Trump’s plan fails to mention what it would do to the families with immigrants. Not only will the children be inadequate of growing up without parents but there will be effects that parental deportation can have on children which show long-lasting harm can occur at economic, developmental and academic levels. In the article the author states,…
the families role in children's life is very important. Families are the key factor in youth violence.…
America is facing a lot of child neglect and abuse. Child abuse is a major problem for the United states and many other countries children everywhere. Everyone gives an equal opportunity to do as they please, but as children are constantly being abused is they receive the exact same opportunity. Our children are the key and success of this country. The future of America relies on the children of today, so if we continue to let this happen many children get abused, we could miss out on a child finding the cure of a deadly disease or even being a winner of a noble prize winner. The point is, no one knows what their child is capable of doing, so a parent should continue to care for their child with all the love possible and not harm their children.…