If dropouts pay back the money, or at least half then the money help more people who get into the school they want. Children from a poor family will have a chance for a good education or schools can be built in cities that really need one. Schools should also provide some of the necessary school supplies since most students dropout because they can’t keep buying school necessities. …show more content…
If this keeps up then our some of our money should start going towards other things like projects (public pools, hotels), federal debt, and communities
Eventually the money can also help pay for better schools and textbooks. If you’re going to stay in school then it should be decent. Some money can be donated to schools so they can pay for sports gear, school activities, and computes.
In conclusion, dropouts should have to pay back the money used to educate them. It can help more people get into school, help schools be better, and help pay for other things. It is clear from the number of students who dropout that schools need to be