God only knows.
Most Teachers and scientists believe that teaching creationism in the schools is inappropriate because they consider this a religious teaching. Creationists believe that Intelligent Design should be taught in the schools because they hold the Bible to be the text for the blue print of life while proclaiming science a myth. Evolutionists believe that Intelligent Design is not a true science because it cannot be verified. Controversy has risen in the past few years about which theory of thought should be taught due to the rise of Evangelical Christians in the US Government. I believe that public schools should teach Evolution in the science class and that Intelligent …show more content…
Design should be reserved for the home or church. According to the Constitution of the United States, there must be a separation of church and state. Public schools, being part of the government, should have to abide by the rules of this country. It is actually interpreted by Evolutionists as unconstitutional for Intelligent Design to appear in textbooks. Evolutionists also believe that religious doctrine should have no bearing on what is in the curriculum or textbooks of any public schools. If we were to teach Intelligent Design in school, most sciences, such as Biology, Geology, Nuclear Science, and Astronomy, would become worthless; after all, Creationists believe that the Earth was made in 7 days, not over the course of billions of years. Creationists also have dinosaurs roaming the planet with Adam and Eve, which effectively put Geologists and their carbon dating out of a job. I believe that science has proved that Evolution is a fact, not fiction.
We know through science that the earth is 450 billion years old. We know that Modern man has evolved from Paleolithic man through fossils and the art that has survived to present day. I believe that teaching one type of religious belief gives Christianity and the book of Genesis superiority over any other religion. This goes against the 1st amendment of the constitution, which means that public schools cannot teach that one religion is greater than another religion or that religion is greater than any other chosen life style. I believe that the lack of proper science education, such as Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, will cause long-term effects on our education system and lots of children will be left behind. Were the parents in the 1950’s so much more intelligent then the parents of today? These parents realized that if we did not come out of the Stone Age in our education that Russia would surpass us in science. Teaching Intelligent Design in the schools instead of Evolution will cause long-term effects for generations. We are already seeing problems in US schools with students being disinterested in science and math, and teaching Intelligent Design will only increase this problem. Bill Gates even commented on the Oprah show that we are educating our children to only be factory workers. Do we really want this for our future? I believe that the medical field, if left up to the designs of
the Creationists, will suffer. Do you really want the cure of Aids or the common cold left to the people that believe that a man literally lived in the belly of a whale and lived to tell about it or do you want it left to the people that believe that our brain has evolved to discover these cures? I am on the side of the Evolutionists when it comes to critical thinking about my health or education. They seem to be able to think outside of the box. I think if Evolution was the only accepted theory taught, that students would better grasp the material and learn critical decision-making skills, instead of wasting valuable time on what is fact or fiction. Ultimately, the choice of should we teach Evolution or Intelligent Design to our children should lie with the parents, and will continue to be a hot bed of controversy and a drain on the resources of city and state officials. The forum by which we present religious beliefs should be reserved for religious institutions and not our public schools. The separation of church and state has served us well, and should continue to be the standard we teach by today and into the future.