Total health care spending in the United States is expected to reach $4.8 trillion …show more content…
in 2021.Many consumers and small employers are struggling to afford their health insurance premiums. Some employers are not able to offer health care coverage at all.I believe that we should lower the cost of health care if not make it free . the cost of healthcare has doubled in the united states and that's a unnecessary cost for some in a poverty.
We spend $750 billion on unnecessary health care is a big argument that the healthcare we pay for is unnecessary costs because some people don't even use it and they still have to pay.
A key point is eliminating waste spending that could be eliminated without harming consumers or reducing the quality of care that people receive.this would make it more affordable and more realistic. free health care really isnt free since we have to pay through taxes to cover it
Just because Americans are uninsured doesn't mean they can't receive health care, nonprofits and government hospitals provide services to those who don't have insurance, and it is illegal to not have emergency medical service because of a lack of insurance. This is a endless pardox of the healthcare system.Free medical is a affordable to all and is a services that would encourage patients to practice preventive medicine and inquire about problems early .
In conclusion health care is a big US issue globally its a very hot topic of the modern day whether it cheaper health care for less quality service and more expensive for better quality. In some countries health care is free so why not the untied states, in the consitution it does'nt day that we deserve free health care but where into the constitution does it say we have to have health care.And also if health care was free people will have an easier time starting their own business or working part-time if health insurance is