That’s not fair. Many people have to deal with unfairness in their own ways. Equity and justice are just what people strive to achieve for in life. I believe unfairness should be accepted by all and one should try and find ways to make the best of it. There are reasons why I think one should accept it. One, because people have different perspectives, sometimes things don’t turn out the way they want, and giving yourself a choice to change.
All individuals have different perspectives on unfairness. What one may think is unfair, they may think is fair. One can’t really change their thinking; it’s just part of their “point of reason”. For example, a successful, semi-wealthy individual was hired to become the executive chef at this stable restaurant/golf course. In the beginning, everything was running smooth, but then it started going downhill for him. Specific mistreatments, unnecessary write-ups, over reacted inspections; it all just seemed “unfair”. He wondered if he should explain his position so that they would appreciate what hes doing or move on to something much more suitable to his liking. So it’s the person’s decision whether they should take things into their own hands. Some need to understand that one point of view doesn’t always favor another. Take in knowledge of how people handle things so you know how to deal with certain situations. Never settle for what people have you do, you always have another choice. Being negative never ends with good results. If one desires such results they have to go out of their way to change it. Sitting around with a negative attitude, expecting a change will get one absolutely nowhere. It affects that individual to a certain breaking point, I would say. If one doesn’t take action, it’s bound to stay the same because there was no effort given. Sound judgment is your best choice, making sure your making the right decision so that you have that positive effect. If you want good results,