
Should People's Own Identity Be Allowed To Make Their Own Choices?

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Should People's Own Identity Be Allowed To Make Their Own Choices?
All people of any race or gender should be protected whether they are transgender, homosexual, gay, or genderfluid. Whether or not someone wants society to view them as a man, woman, boy, or girl really shouldn’t matter. As individuals people should not be limited to the choices others. They should be allowed to make their own choices. People’s own identity should be protected by the government and be treated equally like any other person.
According to Gender Spectrum “Gender is a spectrum and not limited to just two possibilities.” When people get older in life they feel like they weren’t born the right gender so they go through gender reassignment surgery to change their sexual identity. Many people get bullied for this and treated unequal as a person in society. People feel like they shouldn’t have to be labeled as just male or female. People feel like they are confined by these labels, but they want to be free without other people being hateful and cruel to them.
People who are anti- LGBT do not care about the problems that can come with
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The people I’m talking about are Christians, everybody is entitled to their own opinion but when about think about how much laws they set just for them it’s really wrong. “Soon after, Mississippi passed an even broader law, which allows people and institutions to deny services to gay people on the basis of their religious beliefs.” When I read this quote this reminds of what I’ve heard about you know how if your gay you go to hell, well that’s not entirely true. God made them this way and he wouldn’t like the way these people “Christians” are treating them, not saying that they would have to be ok with how this people were living but if they were really a good Christian person and really believed in their religion they wouldn’t be talking against people for what they choose and how they choose to live their

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