The legalization of such a thing as prostitution can be and is a very debatable subject. Many feel it would be a wise decision to legalize it for the reasons that it may make it safer and easier to control, but at the same time there are numerous people who are against the legalization. In many other countries as The Netherlands, prostitution is legal, and it seems it is very well taken care of. Also in some cities like Las Vegas it is legal. But just because something is legal it does not make it morally right or safe. But on the other hand much debate that legalizing prostitution would be a better thing for the cities and prostitutes themselves. If prostitution was legal it could be safer, by making testing mandatory, and it would be more controlled if the government was related with it.
Paying taxes on prostitution would make it considered a business. Prostitution cost the government over 3 billion dollars in uncollected taxes. So if prostitution was legalized maybe the police would watch over the prostitutes and Pimps would not be necessary, so less people would be killed or seriously hurt. But that doesn 't cover it. So if prostitution was legal would it really be that much safer? Just by making testing mandatory? Put yourself in someone else 's position.
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