Some people need to realize that the effect of teachers carrying handguns could have a positive influence on the environment and safety of their children. Such as Mckinley reported from superintendent Thweatt, “The critics of our plan will say things like: ‘Guns and kids don’t mix’. They will say things like: ‘It’s a bad decision to put …show more content…
Post-Sandy Hook, gun groups in the United States are now offering teachers firearms training. But do I really want my kid’s teachers packing a weapon? “If you’re living in a ‘Mad Max’ world, where criminals have free rein and there’s no government to stop them, then I’d want to be armed,” said Dr. Hemenway of Harvard. “But we’re not in that circumstance. We’re a developed, stable country.” (Rosenthal, 2013) This developed, stable country he is talking about must be how he sees it but, to some others it is the exact opposite. Think about all the gangs, the bombings, and war going on in this country and other countries today. I think this country is probably far away from being stable. I mean, Mad Max, that is a pretty awesome movie to have the chance to live in. But seriously people, come out of this in the twenty first century in real life and not a movie. All people need to realize that this country is not as safe as you think it