Some argue that uniforms will not help anything. They are not needed to help solve a problem going on in the school or come to any solution pertaining to gang relations, academic appearance or bullying. “Students should not have to wear school uniforms because it doesn't allow individuality, uniforms are very expensive and because it takes away a kids freedom of expression” (Reader par 1). Thus, uniforms are most likely to encourage students than not to encourage students. Uniforms should be permitted for elementary and middle schools because they make schools safer and encourage students to stay focus. The importance of uniforms and dress code are the academic achievement of the schools. In more the one way, uniforms can have aspects on a person, and how uniforms can decrease bullying. Enforcing uniforms can strengthen the appearance and the impression of the schools. Thus, if one do not wear uniforms it could decrease a lot more problems in a
Some argue that uniforms will not help anything. They are not needed to help solve a problem going on in the school or come to any solution pertaining to gang relations, academic appearance or bullying. “Students should not have to wear school uniforms because it doesn't allow individuality, uniforms are very expensive and because it takes away a kids freedom of expression” (Reader par 1). Thus, uniforms are most likely to encourage students than not to encourage students. Uniforms should be permitted for elementary and middle schools because they make schools safer and encourage students to stay focus. The importance of uniforms and dress code are the academic achievement of the schools. In more the one way, uniforms can have aspects on a person, and how uniforms can decrease bullying. Enforcing uniforms can strengthen the appearance and the impression of the schools. Thus, if one do not wear uniforms it could decrease a lot more problems in a