Kelly Allen
Our Deaf Son If my child was deaf I would want him or her to be involved in the deaf community. I would make sure that I found a school that would teach students in sign language. Sending a deaf student to a regular school would make it hard for them to learn and make them feel like they don’t belong. As they get older I would try to teach them to lip read, so that they will be able to communicate with hearing people. Learning sign language would be top priority for me and my family. I don’t believe in making a deaf person think that they have to learn how to talk and communicate without sign. If you’re deaf then sign language should be your main source of communication. Without the knowledge of sign language they would live their live never being able to communicate with the deaf community, family, and friends. I feel really bad for Tommy. He was so frustrated that he couldn’t communicate with his family, friends or even with other deaf people. His mom should have learned sign language and allowed Tommy to learn it also. Instead she fought to adapt to his sons deafness, making it hard for Tommy to communicate and fit in.
If I had a deaf child I would take him or her to deaf plays and movies to show then that being deaf doesn’t have to inhibit you from having fun. I would also give them the option of learning to play instruments based on vibrations, I would want to do anything I could to make my son or daughter feel as if they are normal and don’t have to be inhibited by their