The first similarity is that they both had a great deal to do with the US constitution that we have all come to know and love. A second similarity is that they both had to do with New York. A third similarity is that they were split into certain sections. They both discussed the power of the people. That is all the similarities, there's a lot more differences.
The first difference is that the article weighed more on the United States Constitution than the federalist papers did. If it was for the federalist papers, New York may have never signed the United States Constitution, the articles didn’t help with that one. The articles …show more content…
Most of the laws in the articles we still follow today in the United States Constitution. The federalist papers did have some good points that we put into the constitution, especially dealing with the people. Both of these documents were used in the US constitution. Another reason is that we learn how the constitution we use today came to be. Those are the reasons it is important in today’s life.
That is the similarities, differences and importance of the articles and federalist papers. It is a lot to take in but it's all worth it to know it a little more about how the laws we follow and how they came to be. Even though the differences are more than the similarities, they both the articles and the federalist are important to today's