Coming back to college after having my baby has really been the biggest obstacle I have had to overcome. At that time everything was immensely complicated for me. I didn't have daycare or anyone to take care of my daughter. I was financially unstable and my desires to return to school seem hopeless. But I wasn't going to let that stop me. My wish to become someone better in life was greater than any of my fears; so, one day I decided to go to College to asked for information. The staff from the school advised me to apply and to fill out a form to put my daughter in the daycare's facility wait-list. The day I received a call from the daycare—saying there was a spot available for my daughter—was one of the happiest day of my life. It was a big opportunity for me to go back to school and change my life around. And I took it. I found some programs at school like EOPS, which made a smoother and pleasant return to school. I am very grateful that I did not give up so fast. And just like anyone, I have had ups and downs in my life. Even though my GPA is not one of the highest what hasn't will never go down are motivations and my decides to succeed. All those obstacles that I have had to overcome made me a better person and student. Coming back to college with a child was not as bad as I thought. On the contrary, now I am back on track and I am doubling the effort to graduate. I know there is still a long way to go and many more things to learn but with all the guidance, resources, and chances for success that I have encounter, I feel it is my duty to not let down anyone who has help me by taking advantage of all the opportunities that have given to me and turn them into an excellent outcome.
I will not stop until the day that I see my educational