The most important point of this weeks’ reading is how to make an effective oral and written presentation by using the Five S’s module. this can be done through making right strategy, structure and support your presentation by evidence and visual aids. This is the most important point because the effective presentation is considered as essential communication tools that create effective and persuasive message to the audiences.
2. Think about the best and worst presentations you have given in the past. After reading this Appendix, what did you do well that made your "best" presentation
so good? Where did you fall short in your "worst" presentation?
- I did well in the best presentation in: I have made a clear structure and I have supported my points with evidences.
- I fall in the worst presentation in: I didn’t practice well before the presentation date. Also, I didn’t respond well to the questions that asked.
3. Think about the material critically and list ONE deep question you have about the material or would like to discuss further. This may be something you find interesting, something with which you disagree, something you do not understand, etc. Again, think critically. If your experience has differed than something you read in the book, perhaps you want to discuss that. If you really did not understand a concept and would like to learn more, list that. Perhaps you are not sure how you would apply what you’ve learned in your job, and would like direction on that.
I found that the idea of table A.1 (one-Sided Versus Two-Sided Message) is very interesting idea, as you need to start your argument that support your opinion with the weakest and end it with the strongest. Then, start the opposition by start it with the strongest and ending it with the weakest. This clearly means a good strategy and structure for using the evidences
4. Without reading ahead, in 1-3 sentences, tell me something you know about the next week's topic, Stress and Well-Being.
The next week topic is going to be about how to make an effective interview. Also, we are going to learn how to success in an interview. Then we will learn about the organizational interview and the guidelines for an interview.