People who are married get more paid than the single. However, they must cover the living expenses. A recent study showed that people who are married make more 27% money than the single. Because married people have to work hard to earn money for their child, wife and family. And employers are more willing to hire married people, for the married people have more pressures and motivation, so they can’t quit their job that easily because they need the job. Married people have more holidays than the single. Single people often say that they don’t have children or wives, so they don’t have to work hard and they have more spare time. The fact is opposite that married people have more opportunities to get holidays, such as birthday of child, an anniversary dinner and if a spouse or child gets sick. Single people are more likely to be asked to work on holidays. Because they are single, they don’t have a wife or children, who they could possibly have to care about.
Married people are healthier than the single. And they tell themselves: “we have less money and holidays, well, at least we have our health.” Actually, single people are more likely to get sick. That’s true, the single people have their friends, and maybe some of them are good ones. But the single people don't have someone special and precious to share their life. Married people’s spouse can help them to keep their health. By the way, when they feel so tired to work hard, they just go home and get together with their family; it is good for their health and makes them relaxed.
Though there are lots of people divorced, I think the problem was they didn't find the right one. If they find people whom they really love, they will necessarily get marry again. Because married people know that they have more money, work, holidays and better health than the single. So, get married is surely better than to stay single.