The characteristics of a leader are most important; however, one needs to take into consideration that different situations call for different types of leadership. Previous research by Luccier & Achua (2010) states that different situations need different types of leadership. Therefore, leadership, organisational culture, situational leadership, personality and other traits need to be defined. Furthermore, an exploration of the impact of situations in relation to the characteristics of a leader and/or their leadership style shall be discussed, as will argue how this impacts upon the organisation and its leadership. A discussion of what abilities should be displayed by a leader in different situations, especially in education will ensue.
Evidence suggests (Palmer 2011) that leadership changes its meaning, revealing different thoughts as well as different viewpoints. It “is the influencing process of leaders and followers to achieve organisational objectives through change” (Luccier & Achua 2010, p6.) Daft (2005) highlights that there is a connection between leaders and followers, and the goals they wish to attain. In other words, leadership affects power or control, and it takes place amongst people, and those people wanting critical change (Richard & Andrew, (2009). Above all, leadership is about motivating “confidence and support” who are required to realise the objectives of the organisation (Palmer 2011; Dubrin, 2004, p.3)
A number of writers have defined traits as “distinguishing personal characteristics” of a leader for example honesty, appearance, intelligence and self-confidence. (Luccier & Achua 2010 p 33; Palmer 2011; Samson &Draft 2003) Personality is the mixture (combination) of traits in regards to specific behaviour. In other words, personality is character, and it affects our
References: Daft, R.L. (2005). What does it mean to be a leader? In R.L.Daft (3rd Eds), the leadership experience (pp Daft, R.L. & Pirola-Merlo, R. (2009) the leadership experience: First Asia Pacific Edition Dubrin, A. & Dalglish, C. (2001) Contingency and situational leadership. In A Dubrin and C.Dalglish, Leadership: An Australian focus (pp.143-175) Dubrin, A. J. (2004). Traits, motives, and characteristics of leadership. In A.J. Dubrin (4th Eds.), Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills (pp.31-60) Lock, P. & Crawford, J.(2003). The effect of organisational culture and leadership style on job satisfaction and organisational The Journal of Management Development , Palmer, C. (2011) Leaders and Leadership handouts. Adelaide: Flinders University. Samson, D.A., & Daft, R.L. (2003) Leadership in organisations. In A.D.Samsonite & R.L.