Kent Hodgson identifies seven fundamental steps to guide managers in their decision making process. The seven principles are “dignity of human life, autonomy, honesty, loyalty, fairness, humaneness and the common good” (Krietner & Kinicki, 2013, p.24). The overall objective is to assist managers in changing the culture of business and to remove the histrionics of unethical and uncaring behavior. It would appear that Mackey formed his company on these seven principles as the organization meets them all.
Whole Foods established as a business with seven “core values” which embody doing what you say you are going to, operating a fair business, and being good …show more content…
Its purpose should refer back to the contribution it's making to the good of society” (Texas Monthly, 2013, p. 46). Whole Foods cannot operate any differently than other businesses. It is possible to be profit based and still a reputable, upstanding organization.
John Mackey thinks so much of his organization that he considers himself as the “daddy” of its fifty-four thousand employees (Paumgarten, 2010). Matthew Budan (2013) states in an article that “Humanity’s not perfect, and neither is business. But most businesses are good. Most businesses are ethical, and they create value for their customers and job for their employees” (p. 18). Whole Foods prides itself on being a good role model, having a strong code of ethic, rewarding moralistic behavior, and doing for is best for the most people (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013).
Additionally, Mackey believes in the “win-win” business strategy. In 2013, Matthew Budan said that if businesses were not creating value for all involved, including all stakeholders, then they were not operating with a good business strategy (p. 17). Furthermore, Budan stated that most businesses were good and wanted to operate in a professional manner. Mackey validates his business strategy by ensuring that the maximum any employee can make is nineteen times that of the average employee (Paumgarten, 2010). He believes that profits are to be shared