Since the war came after the Industrial revolution , different technologies and good strategic thinking . The North had strategies they came around once they had new technologies like trains.Soldiers were sent on train across many routes as a way to sneak up on the Southerners .Their strategy was to make the southerners less aware of their of their arrival .
Another technology in the North were telegraphs .During this time , telegraphs were the only form of communication . With this ability the North was able to communicate to its soldiers what their commands were .They were also able to make everyone aware of what was going on during the war . The most important thing the telegraph did was get messages to President Lincoln and the head commanders. This kept President Lincoln aware of what he needed to do in order to win the war .
In the factories in the North there were new weapons and bullets being made . There were bullets that were being made were powerful …show more content…
It shows that people felt like slavery was just another thing to blame . The war was caused because everyone saw a different future . Everyone has different thoughts on how the United States should work in the future . Would slavery still stand ? or Would the United States be industrialized ? And the expansion of the United States came into big play . The decision on whether a state should be free or not was too a fact of the expansion . Every reason you can thing of the war happening is second to slavery . The Fugitive Slave Act , Emancipation Proclamation , Dredd Scott Decision . Secession of states . The 13th, 14th , and 15th amendments