In Slumdog Millionaire the story follows a young boy, Jamal Malik, and his journey from the slums of India to the popular show “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” The movie is from Jamal's point of view, and shows the events on how he knew every question's answer up until the end on “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” The show's producers do not believe that a “slumdog” could have gotten all the questions right up until that point. They interrogate him using various methods including makeshift water boarding, and electrocution. Jamel will not speak, and insists he knew the answers. The story begins with how he knew the answer to the first questions, which was Amitabh.
Opening, there is a gang of children playing ball on an airplane runway. They are soon chased off by guards, and eventually caught by their mother. They return to school, and the book “The Three Musketeers” is thrown at them. Later, Jamal is five years old and is overjoyed for the chance to see his favorite Bollywood star, Amitabh, and to get his autograph. This is the start to his misfortune, as after he obtains this autographed photograph his brother, Salim, sells it. His mother dies soon after in the Bombay Riots, leaving him and his brother without anyone to look after them. This opens him up to relationships and leaves him empty and deeply depending on his brother. During their time caring for themselves, Jamel meets and bonds with Latika who turns into an integral part in his life. Jamel wants her to be the third musketeer, with him and his brother being the first two. He, however, does not know the name of the third musketeer. In his childhood he has many adventures, including working as a beggar for Maman, who is a gangster.
When Maman starts to blind the children to bring in more money, Jamel and his brother run away. During their getaway, Salim purposefully does not help Latika on the train that they have escaped on. This act by his brother