The main activities is:
-The healthy adult one who can love and work and the is part of there aspect
- "Mid-life transition" is something that happens to many of us at some point during life (usually at about 40, give or take 20 years). It is a natural process and it is a normal part of maturing.
- The mid-life transition or crisis can also be approached using a Myers-Briggs personality model stemming from the works of Carl Jung. The stages are as follows:
1. Accommodation - presenting ourselves as different people in different situations, called "personae"
2. Separation - taking off the masks or personae we wear in different situations and assessing who we are under the masks; rejecting your personae, even if only temporarily, and feeling largely uncertain about who you are
3. Reintegration - feeling more certain of who you are and adopting more appropriate personae
4. Individuation - recognizing and integrating the conflicts that exist within us, and achieving a balance between them
Small nagging doubts may appear, perhaps followed by a series of dramatic, apparently irrational events leading up to great change. During it all, men and women ask themselves questions such as: Is this all there is? Am I a failure?
Symptoms and behaviors during mid-life crisis can range from mild to severe, including:
• Boredom and exhaustion, or frantic energy
• Self-questioning
• Daydreaming
• Irritability, unexpected anger
• Acting on alcohol, drug, food or other compulsions
• Greatly decreased or increased sexual desire
• Sexual affairs, especially with someone much younger
• Greatly decreased or increased ambition o social clock
-the culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement
=biological clock
The biological clock is the mechanism found within living organisms that coordinates the timing of physiological functions and