
Social Inequality In The United States

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Social Inequality In The United States
Dear president Curtis Jackson, right now the U.S. has become to unequal which will cause many problems in the future. There are many studies about the inequality that exist among citizens which will lead to the collapse of our civilization. Through sociology these inequalities are about power and wealth between social classes which are developed through social stratification. Also, since we are a post-industrial society people are also separated by race in some ways especially around the time of the civil war. In Americas history the Great Depression was probably the closest that we came to an economic collapse. A good example of a society that collapsed due to inequality was the Roman Empire.

Many people argue that inequality is unfair,
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When talking about any society, it has both an open and closed stratification system. An open stratification system is where people have a good chance of moving up in the social classes if the put in enough effort. A closed stratification system is in a society that you cannot change your social class because of your skin color or your family's reputation. One example of a closed system would be slavery. Slaves had no way to move up in society and was considered property due to their skin color. Worst of all was that slaves were born into this type of life and had no control over their life meaning they had no power. They were able to gain some power after the Civil War; however, people were still very discriminant. This example of racial inequality shows what it takes for people to get treated more equal than before. I believe you should resolve our economic inequality before a war is started between the elites and the masses is …show more content…
Every during this time was using credit which allowed the lower-class to afford luxuries that they would usually have no access to. When the stock market prices began to drop it was devastating for people who had invested mostly everything they had into stocks and by the end of October there was $30 million of stocks that were lost. Now that everyone had lost large sums of money they could not pay off their loans and were going in debt. Because of this, products were not being sold as much and workers were being laid off. This continued to escalate the problem and by 1933 one fourth of the overall number of workers were laid off. With everything that was going on there was a cycle of people going in debt and being laid off, so they couldn't buy products which lead to more people going in debt. This was one of the worst economic crises of the time and it was because the lower class was able to use credit to spend too much money that was not theirs and this made them even

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