Social media makes us more aware about what is going on in our own society and in other countries, without social media sites like “youtube, facebook” etc, many of us would not even know about the Malaysian jet line that went missing over a month ago. Many of users rely on social media to keep “up to date” on important news that is going on in the world.…
2. What are the greatest benefits of social media for individuals and society? Social media provides worldwide coverage, breaking news, to reach a larger and broader reader than standard media outlets by themselves. Easy access when trying to find something like directions, talk to someone over across the world for free.…
Social Media is about people and is a revolution.Over 50% of the worlds population is under 30 years old. Social media affects our online and offline behavior. People fall in love online, get divorced online and children are learning on ipads in school.Some universities have even stopped distributing E-mail accounts and using social media sites such as Facebook instead and eReaders…
People who use social media are more connected. “Pew Research Center found that the average user of social media has more close ties and is less socially isolated.”(Social Media as Community, Hampton). Without any internet, we wouldn’t be as close with friends and we would be more socially isolated without social media. Users of social media know people from a greater variety of backgrounds. The internet helps us connect with friends, family, and people around all around the world. Without it, we could never reach out to friends or family in other states. People around the world would be less socially diverse…
First off is how it allows people to find friends and things that help them through everything. In our world today some things people enjoy doing are frowned upon. But with social media you can find the people that enjoy those things as well and you can connect with them. That's one of the good things about it. Someone might be picked on or bullied for…
Social media can be defined in a variety of ways. Some say social media is “content created and shared by individuals on the web using freely available websites that allow users to create post their own images, video and text information then and then share with either the entire internet or just a select group of friends [1]. Social media is content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies. At its most basic sense, social media is a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and content [2]. What if we were to break it down, we would say that media is a source of communication i.e. a newspaper, a radio or a television, and social is communication with a variety of people through a variety of ways. When we think about it social media are sources which not only provide information, but also communicate with you while it gives you information. Social media can be social networks in which invites people to communicate and interact with the site and with a variety of people. Within today’s society there are a variety of social media/social sites that the majority of the population uses. Facebook and Twitter have been enormous social network sites for everyone, not only do the sites allow you to add friends to interact with, but they provide you with the tools to create your profile in many ways possible. Other forms of social media sites include YouTube and Flickr which are great sites when wanting to post an assortment of videos to share with everyone around the globe while also commenting on their submission.…
What is a social network? A social network is a social structure for people to build relationships with others, such as individuals or organizations by posting messages, comments, information or images. Social networking goes back more than ten years ago, before Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube became a reality. The thought that people would spend half their day on a social website was unthinkable. With joining a social site you experience increased communication between friends, professionals and businesses.…
Social media is good to have because it can help get important information around faster and help students learn digital responsibility.…
Social media also allows contact with people around the world. It is actually source of easy communication; it is also common way that people express themselves. It can keep you up to update on the happenings of all our loved ones. However, it has a negative effect on society. Social media has become a big erosion of society. For instance, Face book. If we made ourselves completely exposed to the world, another negative effect on networking sites we shares too much information on face book and it lead us to physical danger. Cyber bullying has become a real threat; especially to teenagers it leads them to suicides.…
Online social networking is when people connect with other people online through certain websites. I believe the most common websites today include Facebook, Twitter and Myspace. What people do is create their own profile account, and post information, photos, videos, and comments. Those things then get reserved on a news-feed for your whole fan base to see. I believe that the good of social networking far outweighs the bad. It seems to me that if you have internet and know how to use a computer, you probably have either created a Facebook or Twitter account. Social networking has so many positive ways to the user. Due to the connection with friends and family, meeting new people, raising self-esteem,and information being able to spread fast, are the reasons why online social networking is acceptable.…
Social media is a wonderful tool. It can give you vital information and allows you to keep…
Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighbourhood subdivision, if you will. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online. This is because unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people, to gather and share first-hand information and experiences about cooking, golfing, gardening, developing friendships or professional alliances, finding employment, business-to-business marketing and even groups sharing information about the end of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The topics and interests are as varied and rich as the story of our world…
The advantages of social media, is being able to have sites like blog and all other social sites which allows us to be able to express our self. For example, the blog, in the blog site we have the choice to write down anything, it can be from what you do daily or what happened to your today, and many people around the world will be able to hear your story disregard if they know you or not. Blog is where you can write down pretty much anything and without worrying about what others opinon will be because that is where you want to express your feeling, emotions or daily activities. I actually follow some of the blogger, simply because I admire their work and I find it interested to know how they achieved their dreams. Twitter, is another one of the popular social media where you can keep up with what is going on with different celebrities and chat with them. It also allows you to keep up with their touring schedules and latest music. It’s a great way to follow people who interest you or share the same interest. Facebook, which is my personally a favor social media, it allows you to connect with friends that you might ever see again after high school. Or communicate with long distance family members and friends. You can let everyone know what’s on your mind that day or just in the moment by writing in the box labeled, “What’s On Your Mind”. You can watch different video clips from different websites, listen to music, become a fan of your favorite artist, discuss the newest books, and create an event. Social media websites offer a lot and there is so much you can do with them. You can launch a new business on their and play a game all at the same time. Now, one disadvantage probably would be for one negative feedback. There are people that is rule and disrespectful toward others simply because they are behind computers thinking that no body will ever know the real him/her. So they just go ahead and be…
I believe social networking technology has changed our lives for the better, but at a cost. Social networking tools have made it nearly effortless for me to keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. I can know what's on their minds (MySpace), who else they know (Facebook/LinkedIn), and even what they are doing at this very moment (Twitter). On the other hand, I'm not sure I need to know any of that.…
“Paper is no longer a big part of my day. I get 90% of my news online, and when I go to a meeting and want to jot things down, I bring my Tablet PC. It's fully synchronized with my office machine, so I have all the files I need. It also has a note-taking piece of software called OneNote, so all my notes are in digital form” are the words of Bill Gates…