As we have much less time,I will present my opinion in brief.
Social networking is actually beneficial, as man is, by nature, a social creature that is people need people.As technology advances ,so does mankind's means of communicating and socializing for example we've developed things like telegram to e-mail service,telephone to video chat, and now we are looking at social networking has increased the ability of people to communicate and socialize.Social networking sites have clearly had a positive impact on society.
Social networking sites also balance a child's privacy and a parent's right to know.
A classic clash always happens when pitting the right to privacy of a child against the right to know of a parent;however social networkingsites find a happy medium so that niether side isoverlooked;for example: on facebook a teenager may have private conversations but the parent of that teenager will still be able to track activities such as posts made to other friends,pictures posted,etc...
Socialnetworking sites give parents the ability to keep tabs on their child's activities but without having to directly invade on their child's privacy.So in this way social networking sites should not be banned.
My opponent would probably say that social networking sites affect children's education but it is not like that.The problem is that the children ultimately have the choice to log in, or to do their school work.It is the child's responsibility to get this work done, as I'm sure my opponent and I can agree; the child knows full well that the schoolwork isn't getting done while on Facebook, and so the child is consciously shirking responsibility; however, this is entirely non-unique to social networking; the same could be said for hanging out with friends, or online gaming, or