According to Manning, Curtis, McMillen, and Attenweiler (2011), there is a 79 percent chance of sickness in the near future if you have a score over 300 points which represent a serious threat to your well-being. Cancer or heart disease are chronic illnesses that people with the highest scores are likely to suffer. The slight possibility of having a form of cancer is a major stressor at the moment. Earlier this month, it was discovered that I had multiple swollen lymph nodes in my neck. I have a consultation scheduled for this
According to Manning, Curtis, McMillen, and Attenweiler (2011), there is a 79 percent chance of sickness in the near future if you have a score over 300 points which represent a serious threat to your well-being. Cancer or heart disease are chronic illnesses that people with the highest scores are likely to suffer. The slight possibility of having a form of cancer is a major stressor at the moment. Earlier this month, it was discovered that I had multiple swollen lymph nodes in my neck. I have a consultation scheduled for this