In social work practice it is necessary to know to what extent the client was helped to deal with his/her problem. This is the important part because there should be accountability in the process. Evaluation is done to know whether goals are achieved or not. Mostly, it is done at the end of the action process but sometimes it can also be done in the middle of the process to know about the client’s situation and the effectiveness of the process. Through evaluation social worker can identify and prove that intervention process was effective or not and it will also help to know the clients improvement. After doing an evaluation decision can be made about the termination of the client or reassessed to achieve the certain goals. Nowadays professional social worker has started using monitoring, evaluation and research techniques to evaluate the intervention process; it is more effective to understand the overall process including its drawback.
After achievement of certain goal and at the situation when client is ready & confident that client can take their decision client’s and social worker professional relationship comes to an end. Termination generally practices certain skills and techniques. Termination process should be discussed before starting of the process because pre-matured termination can bring conflict between client and social worker. Some terminations are planned and some are unplanned. Sometimes clients discontinue the process due to some basic reasons or leaves process without any information which leads to “Unplanned Termination”. In some situation there could be client not motivated any more toward the intervention process. But, Social worker have to fallows the effective way of terminate the relationship between client and social worker. Social worker needs to inform the client that their relationship will be discontinued when objectives are fulfilled or before handling case to any third party. Planning of termination is