#8: How do projects, programs, tasks and work packages differ? A work Package may be defined as the basic building block of a work breakdown structure. It may be considered as a sub-project composed of one or several tasks which are accomplished over a short period of time (generally 1 week-1 month) by an individual or a small group of workers. A task is defined as a piece of work requiring resources and has a concrete outcome (deliverables). Though a task may be of any size, the term task is usually used to describe a small piece of work. Projects may be considered as very large collection of tasks. Tasks may also be grouped together to form a work package. A program may be defined as plan of action which aims at accomplishing a specific objective. Therefore, a project may be considered to be a collection of work packages, tasks and programs. A project is an assembly of work packages which are composed of their own respective collection of tasks and the project program is the schedule or plan of action which aims at accomplishing the goals of the work packages in the most time and cost efficient manner.
#9: How would you define a project? A project is a term used to describe a set of connected activities which have a global goal and
References: -Killen, C.P., Krumbeck, B., Kjaer, C., Durant-Law, G.A. (2009). Managing project interdependencies: exploring new approaches. Retrieved January 25, 2011, Asia Pacific Seminar Web site: http://www.durantlaw.info/sites/durantlaw.info/files/APES%2013%20Nov%2009.pdf -Execution for systems, Common conflicts during Project Management. Viewed on January 25, 2011, web site: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:eMcc0__j2EMJ:www.exforsys.com/career-center/conflict-management/conflicts-during-project-management.html+project+manager+sources+of+conflict&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca -Visitask management definitions, viewed on January 26th 2011, web site: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wr6HTxZ1DlMJ:www.visitask.com/work-package-g.asp+work+package+definition&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca