For over many centuries religion has been a very big influence in society and in us. The world has many different belief systems. Each is distinctive, but all greatly influenced the lives of their followers and the society in which the belief system was practiced.
During the middle ages the only religion there was to follow was christianity and during the middle ages in europe. What ever rank you had as a serf a peasant a lord or a king you life was commanded by the church. Everyone's life in medieval was dedicated to the catholic church and they took care of their religion and followed it good.
Jesus Christ is the founder of the religion christianity. After years of preaching in Rome some had the courage …show more content…
Than the emperor Costanian 1 (285 AD - 337 AD ) converted to Christianity and declared that he was the “emperor of the christian people”. Christianity then became the official religion of Rome. After Costainin 1 all the emperors were christians and the older religion was overthrew.
During 5th century, the Roman empire started to collapse. When they Rome started falling the barbarians conquered the city. When this happened it started the period in history which is called as the Dark Age. In the the Dark Ages and the Early Middle Ages the Catholic religion was the only christian religion accepted. The Christian church was then divided between the west and the east.
The Catholic church was powerful and it had its own laws and lands. The Catholic Church was even able to influence the kings and rulers of Europe. There was then a huge fight that lead to a split between the Eastern and Western Christian Churches fought by arguments over the crusades. Then the schism in western Christendom but then was corrected at the Council of Constance and the Catholic religion was called the Roman Catholic Religion from