Within this assignment I will be explaining sociological terminology and the principle of sociological perspectives. I will also be covering theories related to sociological perspectives such as Functionalism, Marxism, Feminism, post-modernism, collectivism and New right.
There have been different perspectives and approaches that have been used to describe societies and the behavior of the people living in them. The approaches explain how much impact and difference they make on the society, health and well-being. Sociological perspectives are various explanations of how society works; these have been developed over time and are constantly being re-evaluated as society changes.
Social structure
Social structures refer to the institutions and organisation’s in which society is organised, for the benefit of the people who live within that particular society. The structure of society is composed of different groups of people. Individuals often have belief systems, for example the norms and values they might have learnt through socialisation.This influences the way social structures are organised.Sociologist’s view society as being organised through social institutions, these include ;
The family- the purpose is to teach the norms within society, such as what is considered right and wrong. It’s a form of socialoising while values and beliefs are taught .Reproduction is a necessity for the structure of socialism to continue, through role models. The education system- the purpose is for individuals to be educated and learn new skills to prepare for the real world, such as employment. It opens up opportunities to socialise with other individuals. Social skills are influenced on how to behave and what is acceptable within the educational system, this is then adapted into a person’s life. For example how to treat and value others.
Health care services
social welfare services
For example an individual in some