Anthony D. Whorley
November 9, 2013
PACO 500: Introduction to Pastoral Counseling
Instructor: Dr. John Hobbs Liberty University
Solving My People Puzzle Phase 1 involves discovering my personality. This paper will bring to light how I operate through the descriptions that are provided, throughout this paper. Part of this assignment, I had to submit a survey to at least two of the people who knew me best and they had to describe me based on the questions that were on the survey. I also had to participate on an online assessment and disclose its results. This journey of discovering me, made me come face to face (according to the assessment), the “me I see” versus the “me I want to see”. The assessment was not designed to control me but rather manage who I already am. This will serve me greatly as I attend to the counselee needs, which is the goal in counseling.
Table of Contents
360 Interview Survey Results………………………………………………………………4-5
Communication Skills Test Results……………………………………………………………6
DISC Dot Charts………………………………………………………………………………......7
Solving My People Puzzle Phase 1 Question and Answers………………………………………8
Solving My People Puzzle: Phase 1 Grading Rubric…………………………………………………11
1. What would you tell Anthony D. Whorley if he asked you the following question: “What is it like to be on the other side of me?”
It is nice; it is inviting, pleasant conversation most of the time.
2. How does Anthony D. Whorley typically interact with other people? Can you think of a recent example?
I cannot think of a recent situation; however, he interacts well with others.
3. Have you ever been in a situation where you saw Anthony D. Whorley take on new tasks or roles? Describe this situation and what [s/he] did?
I have not, so I must respond N/A
4. What has been a
References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. profile.html. 6. Grading Rubric