Management team has many changes rules and regulation for team member which need to be follow and obey such as length of hair and nail, tidiness of way to wearing school uniform in order to become a good example for student. To make all the students to accept these changes of rules, as a head of prefect, I need to make my group members to accept all the rules and regulations first so that they can make other students. This is difficult for students to accept because they will feel uncomfortable to be control by others.
To control discipline of students, we need to take longer period time to carry this out. Some prefects are younger than other students, they are no experiences, so for them, to make other students listen and follow the rules are very challenges. Other students will feel unhappy if require them to follow the rules.
I set up a discussion for my group members, we discuss many ways which about how to make all the students willing to follow the rules. At the same time, they will come out some solutions which they think are useful for the problems. I also will discuss with teacher to set up an annual dinner for the prefects in order to award them according their performances with prize and rewards, example, ‘best performances of prefects or most effective prefects’. For the perfects which have good performances, teacher might add additional marks to their performance marks into the final school reports. These marks can affect them in their future regardless to further their studies in higher education or job opportunities.
For the students, when I want to ask them to follow the instructions, I will talk with the students which have greater influence to others students and explain to them about the important of the rules so that they might feel more comfortable to follow the rules and listen to other prefects. I will also explain to them about if they do not follow the rules, they will affect the marks in their final school reports, they might be deducted marks by teacher.
After the process of unfreezing, moving, and refreezing, most of the members and student accept the changes and agree with me. For the small parties which still disagree with rules, I will pass them to discipline teacher to let the teacher handle them with warning letter or other punishments.
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