What is my biggest pet peeve? My pet peeve is incredibly loud noise while i am trying to work on homework. I really dislike when there is any type of noise going on around me, or even in the same house. When there is noise, I will get an incredible head-ache and it distracts me from my work. Some examples of noise that really bug me are birds chirping, Dogs barking, and my family making noise period. The birds’ chirping irritates my ears, as well as the dogs barking, but my family is the worst.
My first example to my biggest pet peeve, are birds chirping while I am working on my homework. The sound of a bird’s chirp is like a nail scratching against a chalk board near my ear. Even a small chirp can get me going, like my ears are very sensitive. What’s even worse is my aunt keeps birds inside the house. I would be doing my work peacefully if birds weren’t around, but since they are I am forced to wear earphones.
My second example to my biggest pet peeve, are dogs barking while I am trying to concentrate on my homework. I mostly do my homework early in the mornings, that’s when my dog barks with other dogs. As I have said before, the smallest noise can prevent me from concentration. Every time my dog barks I have to get up, open the door to my backyard, and tell him to be quite. Every time I have to get up I lose time on doing my homework.
My Third and final example to my biggest pet peeve, is my entire family doing any activity while I am trying to finish my homework packets. My family is the greatest example to my pet peeve, they disturb me the most. Every single day, there is music; loud conversations, unnecessary noises, and my seven year old cousin with hear incredibly loud crying. Even early in the morning while everyone is sleeping I can hear their snoring and I get a head-ache. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family but sometimes when I cannot concentrate I wish I was the only one who lived in my house with peace and quiet.
My pet peeve