Personal Pronouns (1).
Pronombres Personales en Español.
Spanish Basic Level/Level One
Español Nivel Básico/ Nivel Uno
In this lesson we’ll dedicate a section to the personal pronouns (tonic and atonic) and another for the pronouns called pronombres objeto acting as direct and indirect objects, and we’ll take a look at when they’re used.
Atonic personal pronouns
Tonic personal pronouns:
a) complemento directo (direct object)
b) complemento indirecto (indirect object)
Use of the pronoun
Definition: The personal pronouns refer to one of the three grammatical persons: first: the person who speaks; second: the person being spoken to; and third: that which refers to any other person or thing.
Yo (me) First person singular //Primera Persona del Singular
Tú/usted (you) Second Person Singular // Segunda Persona del Singular
Él/ella (him/her) Third Person Singular // Tercera Persona del Singular
Nosotros/as (us) First Person Plural // Primera Persona del Plural
Vosotros /as (you [plural]) Second Person Plural // Segunda Persona del Plural
Ellos/as (them) Third Person Plural // Tercera Persona del Plural
Personal pronouns can be:
Átonos (atonic): me, te, se, nos, os, lo(s), la(s), le(s).
Tónicos (tonic): yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros/as, vosotros/as, ellos/as, mí, ti, sí.
Function in the Sentence: Funcion en la Oracion
1. Sujeto (subject): yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros/as, vosotros/as, ellos/as
2. Objeto directo (direct object): me, te, se, lo, la, nos, os, se, los, las
3. Objeto indirecto (indirect object):
a) with preposición (preposition): mí, ti, sí, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, sí, ellos, ellas
b) without preposición (preposition): me, te, le, nos, os, les
4. Complemento circunstancial (adverbial): mí, yo, ti, tú, sí, él,