“Blazing New Trails to Success”
When I look up in the sky at night and I see the stars, I think about the mystery… “How did they get up there?” Did they climbed the highest mountain or swam the deepest sea just to look right back at me? Or Maybe did they walked the longest pathway or ran to the brightest light just to shine so brightly at night. I say this to say even the stars in the sky has steps toward success. Invited guest, ladies & gentlemen, judges and my fellow achievers good Evening . Chasing college for your success is what we are program to believe is the path toward success, through life and school. But if we use our own determination, dedication and commitment we are blazing our own trails to success. In my life I’ve struggled towards my success but I’ve always remembered that in order to become successful I would have to encounter three things
1. Determination.
1. Dedication
1. Commitment. Being determined is having a mind set to do something. Say for instance A girl now in the eleventh grade was failing biology from the eighth grade and when she went in the tenth grade she was fed up with the low grades and wanted to make a change. She then worked hard and was determined to pass this bio class.
To be dedicated is to put your heart, your mind and your soul into it. The same girl she continued to work hard. She was dedicated to her studies. She asked her siblings to help her with upcoming quizzes. She stayed back and asked the teacher questions when she didn’t understand. She already had a mind set to pass this class and she was putting her all into it as well.
Commitment is a promise or entrustment. So back to the story about the young girl. She was very committed! Her teacher told her that she would have to come in both lunch and break time so she could help her fully understand. That girl came in every break and lunch time. She was never late and never missed a class. So therefore she had a mindset to pass