An important timeless idea in The Shawshank Redemption directed by Frank Darabont, is hope. The film demonstrates how hope is so significant in life. Frank Darabont indicates the idea that hope is still important in our lives because having or lacking in hope, affects people personally, nationally and worldwide. The film techniques; narration/dialogue, symbolism and lighting were used by the director to enhance this important idea of hope. Through these film techniques the director helps the viewer think about how having or lacking hope can affect our lives and helps the viewer conclude that having hope, “is a good thing”, Andy Dufresnes conclusion as well.
During the closing scene when Red finds and reads Andy’s letter, Dialogue is used as a film technique to portray the inspiring idea of hope. Dialogue helps create the effect of encouragement and comfort. Andy’s letter to Red says, “Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” This use of dialogue is heart felt advice from someone who has experienced great hardship. Andy believes that hope is not only ever lasting; it is also the greatest possibility to aspire towards. This dialogue helped me understand the timeless idea of hope because Andy in his letter accurately writes that hope is a good thing and that good things never die (timeless/generation). Those who have the ability and the willpower to hope are those who will be redeemed.
The technique of Symbolism that the director uses effectively portrays the idea of hope, through the poster of Rita Hayworth pinned to Andy’s cell wall. The poster of Rita Hayworth represents the door to freedom and Andy’s desire to escape to a normal life. The poster of Rita Hayworth not only conceals the chiselled hole but also symbolizes life outside of the prison and the hope of a normal life again. For example Rita Hayworth was one of the most popular actresses of that time desired